Are men treating housewives right?

Hariny Rajadurai
3 min readDec 26, 2022

In India, more than 60% of women are either housewives or do work without pay. Some choose to be housewives, and some are forced to be one. Not all housewives are subjected to unfair treatment of course, in some families both spouses respect each other for their contributions, but there are families in which women feel they aren’t treated as well as they deserve to be treated.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto

Since childhood, I’ve seen and felt pity for the housewives I’ve met, and some of them are my family relations. The person I’ve closely observed is my mother. She has a good life definitely, better than what she had while growing up, but she doesn’t feel empowered or respected enough at home.

Following are a few of the multiple problems that I think housewives specifically face:

  1. Disrespect
    Many women, including my mother, feel like they are being treated like servants at home. They are not even appreciated for their work. Actually, forget appreciation, men don’t even acknowledge the chores done by women at home. These women and the work they do out of care and love for their families are being taken for granted. These men don’t value their work. They think house chores are easy and shouldn’t take too much time. They don’t even request the women to do something; they give it as orders. Just imagine how these women would feel in these situations.
  2. Pushing all house-related work to women
    Some men don’t even do their own personal chores like washing their plates or making their own coffee. They expect their wife to do all of it. Doesn’t it feel ridiculous? Yet I see this happening in many households.
    Men might get holidays from work during weekends and other holidays, but women never do. They still have to cook and perform laundry. Men don’t even move a finger about it and instead watch TV or do something else for their entertainment.
  3. Not listening to their problems
    Women face many problems at home, like water leakage or repair, and those aren’t addressed until very late. These problems are attempted to resolve only after multiple requests. Not just that, men don’t listen to their wive’s feelings or worries. They assume that these women shouldn’t have any as they are at home enjoying themselves. Men talk about their problems at work, but when women talk about theirs, they either listen half-heartedly or just dismiss them. They don’t see them as an equal and believe in themselves that women are beneath them.

Again, not all housewives face these problems or are unhappy with the way their husband treats them, but there are many families in which women don’t feel good about how they are treated. You may agree or don’t, but let me know what you feel in the comments.

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