3 things I do when I feel low

Hariny Rajadurai
3 min readMay 18, 2023

In this post, I will share 3 of the many things I do when I feel low or a little down. This is just from my experience, not guaranteeing anything. Some of you might already know this, but I hope it helps people who don’t.

This is also to remind everyone that it is okay to feel low, you aren’t alone, and there are ways to get out and feel better.

Get some sunshine and fresh air

Sunshine is more powerful than we can imagine. Some sunlight and air can truly make it all seem better.

When my mind feels disturbed and my mind is filled with emotions that I don’t understand, I usually go out and be by myself, and make sense of my thoughts and issues. I either take a walk in a place filled with greenery, to feel one with nature, or go for a drive to the beach. It feels as though the sunshine burns away the sadness and anxiety, and the flow of air purifies the air around us, and our thoughts.

Moreover, when we step out, we see this big world and people around us, and suddenly whatever the problem is, seems small and solvable.

Make a change

It is true that nobody likes change and we are comfortable with things the way they are. But the adrenaline rush and dopamine that comes with making a change feels so much better than comfort, while the so-called “comfort” is only going to make us lazy and gloomier.

Make a small change, any change.

Get a haircut, color it, buy plants, buy books, buy different styles of clothes, go for a hike, learn some instrument, play something. If you are someone who barely travels, go somewhere new nearby. If you are someone who barely talks to people, go initiate a conversation with someone. Learn something, create something, achieve something.

I usually paint or write something, usually adding a new element or trying something different. When I finish it, I feel so much better and proud of myself.

This positive difference that you create in your life and character will make you feel much better. You dared to do something, that gives an adrenaline rush, and when you finish the task, you’ll be rewarded with dopamine. You have now shifted your thoughts to something else, and you are also proud of what you did.

Get a companion

Now this companion can be a person, a set of people, a pet, or even a book.

Any sort of companion will definitely make you feel better, sometimes more than just momentarily.

They help you forget about the thoughts that were eating you. Most likely they are also going through something and you realize you aren’t alone. Who knows, you might even end up discussing something that might actually help you with your worries or at least make them less heavy.

Picture by Darcy Lawrey

Things are never as bad as they seem
- Harper Lee

This quote is so true. Things are never as bad as we imagine them in our heads. So relax and handle things without getting too emotional.

If you are feeling low or going through something, I sincerely hope you feel better very soon.

Thank you so much for reading. If you enjoyed this, let me know by clapping for me :)

